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Andros is a family business located in the middle of orchards in the southwest of France. The headquarters of Andros Switzerland is located in Nyon in the canton of Vaud since 1995. Since 2019, Andros has been working with the shopping list app Bring! to promote Andros juices and Bonne Maman jams, with outstanding campaigns and results. The unique aspect of the collaboration between Andros and Bring! is that the fruit juice and jam manufacturer is represented in the app in the form of an always-on campaign, i.e. year-round booking of the Sponsored Product. In addition, Andros benefits from insights gained from the shopping cart analysis. More details about the success story of Andros Bring!, are described in our success story.

Different product categories & target groups - How do I reach my buyer group?

Andros faced several challenges before working with Bring! One significant challenge was to regain first place in the ranking of juices in Switzerland. 

In addition, the different product categories that Andros has in its range (juice, jams, dairy products, confectionery and cookies) appeal to different target groups and are also consumed at different times. For example, Bonne Maman classic jams are products that appeal more to adults and are consumed at breakfast, while Andros Fruit snacks are mainly meant to be for kids. In addition, not all products are equally well known in Switzerland: for example, Andros juice and Bonne Maman jams are much more popular in Swiss shopping carts than Andros fruit compote or Bonne Maman desserts, which are popular in the Romandie. 

Likewise, it was difficult for Andros to draw conclusions about consumer behavior, as they received little information and data from Coop or Migros. Furthermore, traditional advertising channels, such as OOH, trade marketing and TV, proved to be ineffective or simply too expensive. The focus should be more on digital channels. 

In the search for new digital channels, Andros became aware of Bring!

Goal 1: Increase awareness and position Andros products a the time when people make purchase decisions

In order to specifically position Andros among consumers, the time of purchase planning is particularly relevant for the purchase decision. According to MACH Consumer 2022, 68% of Swiss consumers inform themselves about food and beverages before they go shopping. In addition, 70% plan their shopping in written form (Nielsen Consumer Switzerland 2020) and 42% use a smartphone or smartwatch to create a shopping list (Bring! Survey with Mindtake 2022). 

This is exactly the time when the shopping list app Bring! appears and positions brands natively and purposefully during the shopping planning process. Andros has also recognized this potential and with different ad formats, the family-owned company has been able to successfully achieve its objective of increasing brand awareness. 

In the now more than 3 years lasting cooperation with Bring!, Andros positioned its juices in the form of the Sponsored Product including the Sponsored Product Flavors, where the different types of juices are displayed to the users. The Sponsored Product appears when users of the Bring! app enter the appropriate keywords.  

In addition, formats were temporarily played out in the app that additionally promoted awareness of Andro's juices. These include the Recommended Section, in which a Sponsored Category attracts particular attention for one day. On the other hand, the Category Lead, a banner in the beverage category of the Bring! app, generates additional visibility for Andros. And to additionally reach inspiration-seeking shopping planners in the Bring! app, Andros placed attractive recipes in the Inspiration tab of the Bring! App. 

The fact that this extensive and meaningful campaign is bearing fruit is evident from the KPIs. In 2022 alone, for example, over 27 million impressions were achieved with an engagement rate of 0.20 percent on average, which is well above the average for the category occupied by Andros.

Goal 2: Gain shopper insights for media planning & adapt it to other digital channels 

In order to obtain relevant planning and shopper insights, Andros regularly conducts so-called basket analyses together with Bring! The basket analysis is a data reporting of the shopping baskets, which reveals affinities and the relationships between products.

For example, the basket analysis shows that Andros juice is most frequently added to shopping lists between 8 and 11 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Additionally, the analysis indicates which products end up on the shopping list together with Andros juices. This allows the identification of shopper types, such as Weekend Brunch Lovers, Smoothie Makers and Healthy People.  

Andros then used these results not only to measure the success of the Bring! Campaign, but also applied these findings to other channels such as SEA and social media and optimized them accordingly.

Goal 3: Stay innovative and keep on learning

Another objective of Andros' cooperation with Bring! is that they learn from the successes of the campaigns and thus continue to develop. For example, Andros is always testing new products from its range in the Bring! App and also uses the channel primarily to position new products. For example, Andros Gourmand & Végétal was already available in the Bring! App after its launch on the market. 

This constant close collaboration and the ambition to keep improving the campaign had led to Andros increasing its Add to Lists by an impressive 246% since the beginning of the collaboration.

Conclusion: Andros juices again market leader in Switzerland

Through various measures, such as the adjustment of the marketing strategy, focus on digital channels and improved targeting, the brand's fruit juice has now become the market leader in Switzerland again since 2019. Likewise, sales have demonstrably increased since the collaboration with Bring! In summary, by working together and using different advertising formats in the shopping list app Bring!, Andros has been able to successfully position its products in the context of shopping planning.


+11 M
01.01. - 31.05.22

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Davide Falzone
Director Strategic Partnerships DACH
Juan-Pablo Schmid
Head of Retail Advertising Switzerland
Kevin Moritz
Head of FMCG Advertising Germany
Matthias Richter
Head of Retail Advertising Germany
Michel Rahm
Head of FMCG Advertising Switzerland
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