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Actimel from Danone

Our immune system is exposed to many stresses every day and is particularly important for our well-being. To strengthen the immune system, many people turn to Actimel from Danone. To activate additional target groups and sustainably increase brand awareness, the popular yogurt drink from Danone collaborated with the shopping app Bring!. In an eight-week campaign, Actimel was natively integrated with the Sponsored Product and Sponsored Post in the Bring! app. You can read the results of the campaign here.

Sponsored Product with Flavors

The Sponsored Product is one of the most popular ad formats in the Bring! app. Actimel is natively integrated into the Bring! search in the form of a product tile. When app users enter certain keywords, such as milk or yogurt, in the search, the Actimel tile appears next to the generic tile and can be added directly to the shopping list. 

As soon as Actimel is clicked on, the entire brand variety of Actimel appears, in this case different varieties, with the Sponsored Product Flavors. At this point, users could specify their choice of Actimel. 

Keywords: milk, yogurt, milk drink, drinking yogurt, Actimel, Actimel, strawberry yogurt, breakfast

Category: Milk & Cheese

Sponsored Post

Many users also visit the Inspirations tab of the Bring! app to get ideas for their weekly shopping. With the help of the Sponsored Post ad format, Actimel could be additionally anchored in the minds of users. Here, too, Actimel can be added directly to the list or interested users are linked to the actimel.de website via a link-out.


12.8 Mio
"Just as we have already implemented very successful campaigns with the Danone Brands in Switzerland, we have now been able to do the same in Germany. The outcome of the campaign in the Bring! App makes us very satisfied: We were able to significantly increase the brand awareness. The collaboration with the Bring! team is simple, fast and straightforward. We look forward to more successful campaigns in the future!"
Selina Peukert
Senior Brand Manager at Danone

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Davide Falzone
Director Strategic Partnerships DACH
Juan-Pablo Schmid
Head of Retail Advertising Switzerland
Kevin Moritz
Head of FMCG Advertising Germany
Matthias Richter
Head of Retail Advertising Germany
Michel Rahm
Head of FMCG Advertising Switzerland
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