Design your favorite football snack and win with Bring!

UEFA EURO 2024 is just around the corner and we are looking forward to snack-rich football festivals. What's your favorite thing to eat while watching football? Send us a drawing of your favorite snack and win an exclusive spot in our Bring! app and a EURO 2024 football evening with friends and the snacks of your choice.

This is how it works: 

  1. Design* your favorite football snack as a Bring! icon.
  2. Send us your design using the form below or by email to

*Ideally, you should use a drawing tablet or a white sheet of paper and draw your icon with a black pen.

Win twice

The best design wins in two ways: 

  • Your snack in the app: The winning icon will be integrated exclusively and for the first time in the Bring! app catalog and will be available to all users of the app.
  • Football night with friends: In addition, Bring! will sponsor the winner a EURO 2024 football evening with friends and the snacks/drinks of your choice.

Send us your snack now

The raffle has ended.

Most important conditions of participation

The prize draw will be held among all competition participants from Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The closing date for entries is June 4, 2024 and the winners will be notified in writing and shared on our communication channels. We reserve the right to use the winning design in the Bring! app and in accordance with our CI/CD.

To the conditions of participation